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Revive Counseling LLC

Revive Counseling LLC wanted a website that would instantly connect with their ideal client (those wanting help with men’s issues in Ohio). They are an Ohio telehealth practice, located in the Cleveland, Ohio area. They wanted a site that would be informational to cut down on phone calls and improve appointment bookings, and show up in web searches. Working with the customer and potential end-users in an iterative manner allowed us to design and complete the final product.

Mens Issues Revive Counseling LLC

screenshot of revive counseling

Central Ohio Counseling Association (COCA)

Phone with COCA directory

The Central Ohio Counseling Association desired to add a counselor directory to their website. This directory allows members to create free profiles that prospective clients can use to search, filter, and find a well-fitting mental health counselor. The design process was highly collaborative and involved working with COCA executives and members to flush out and refine the directory requirements. This project was built pro-bono for a volunteer organization for which Aaron is a member. As such, the goals was to meet the organizations needs without “overbuilding”, spending too much time, or making the design too complicated. The key requirements included allowing users to search on a variety of relevant fields to find a counselor, and for a counselor to add a new profile with relevant information for potential clients (or those who want to network). The working version can be found at the public COCA website

You probably wouldn’t talk to a home builder for an hour or so and come back in a year when they have built your house. Similarly, developing web and mobile systems requires working efficiently in small steps. Beginning with rough sketches, moving to discuss how the user should interact with the system at a high level, and creating more and more detailed plans are essential. This design steps are conducted before the more expensive and time-consuming steps to build the product take place.

We started this project by interviewing key COCA members to help us understand the ultimate goal of the directory. We then did research to see how larger competitors with counselor directories operated and documented our favorite features from each. Rough sketches were made to create a “rough draft” of what the COCA directory could look like. Using this approach allows a focus on the content without concerning ourselves (yet) with exactly how the directory would work.

We then created what are referred to as user flows. User flows show the steps a user takes in using a system and are also high level. An example user flow for the directory is below. If this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, that’s ok, we walk customers through the entire process.

New directory user flow

People tend to be visual and seeing a first draft of a user flow can bring up new or different thoughts, feelings, and may call for creating multiple drafts of the user flow until we get it right. 

We can then move to more and more detailed documents. These documents include “wireframes” with more detail and an outline of the structure of a page and a blueprint of the design (simple example below) and “prototypes” which contain some functionality so users can see how the system would work. 

Effective collaboration make the process efficient, and helps deliver a great product.

Add profile wireframe 

Below is a sample prototype with limited functionality that explains how the user can find a counselor based on the criteria of those currently The steps to make this work are (normally this would be presented with back and forth dialog):.

1) Click the “Find a Counselor” menu to go to the list/search page.

2) Click “Yes” on “openings available” to see the list of counselors adjust to only show those accepting clients, sort by name, or filter by modality.

Reviewing prototypes with customers before developing the final product produces a better product, and saves time and money.

View the prototype for filtering on counselors on a desktop, or view the mobile prototype link. This prototype was designed to balance detail and efficiency. It was designed to facilitate conversation without building out all of the pieces.

Usability testing allowed us to collect feedback from users and key stakeholders, and modify the design accordingly.

Cardinal Point Counseling

Cardinal Point Counseling is a marriage and couples counseling private practice that ranks on Google among the first in the state of Ohio for important search terms. This private practice (my practice) wanted a unique, clean design. Researching and documenting features of high ranking competitor sites provided a foundation for the initial design. Visit the full counseling site to see the live version.

Works Great with mobile devices

Mobile site

Google for Business Optimization

Google Ad Development

Cost-effective marketing tool: Your website serves as a 24/7 marketing tool, attracting clients without relying solely on traditional methods like referrals. You can use your website to run targeted online ads, share information on social media, and build your online presence.

Reach more potential clients: Say you are a counselor. Most people begin their search for a therapist online. A custom website with optimized search engine rankings (SEO) ensures your practice is visible to these potential clients and stands out from the competition.

Site Keywords Ranking on the First Page of google (~70)

Google Rankings

Why Web Development is important for SEO and Therapy Practices

Establish credibility: 

A well-designed, informative website with clear branding shows professionalism and builds trust with potential clients. It allows you to showcase your qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise, adding credibility to your practice.

Target your audience:

A custom website lets you tailor content and visuals to resonate with your ideal clients. You can highlight specific services, treatment approaches, and areas of specialization relevant to them, encouraging them to choose your practice.

Connect on a personal level:

Share your professional bio, values, and approach to therapy on your website. This personal touch allows potential clients to feel a connection with you before their first appointment, increasing the likelihood they’ll choose you.

Convenience and Communication:

Provide essential information: Your website can host information about appointment scheduling, fees, insurance coverage, location, and contact details. This transparency and easy access to information save time and frustrations for both you and potential clients.

Online appointment booking: Many clients prefer the convenience of scheduling appointments online. Integrating an online booking system on your website streamlines the process and encourages bookings even outside office hours.

Provide educational resources: Share blog posts, articles, or informative videos related to mental health topics on your website. This establishes you as a thought leader, provides valuable resources for clients, and can attract them to your practice.

Competition and Marketing:

Distinguish yourself from competitors: A custom website with unique branding and messaging allows you to stand out from generic templates used by other counselors. Showcase what makes your practice special and why clients should choose you.

Overall, a custom website is an invaluable asset for any counseling practice. It’s not just about having an online presence; it’s about creating a platform that effectively attracts ideal clients, builds trust, and ultimately contributes to the success of your practice.

Remember, even if you haven’t established a fully-fledged website, a simple landing page with essential information and contact details is better than nothing. The key is to be present online and make it easy for potential clients to find and connect with you.



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